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Jenis-jenis Kapel


Pada entri kali nie aku nak ceritakan sedikit mengenai beberapa jenis kapel yang wujud di muka bumi Malaysia ini. Zaman sekarang kan tengah hangat pasal kapel2 nie..trend la katakan... Kebanyakkan diorg nie kita boleh nampak di shopping complex, taman2, kebun bunga, warung2, kedai buah dan yg sewaktu dengannya...Jadi mana2 yg terasa sambal tu cepat2 la minum air...

 Gambar kartun je...

  • Awek cun bergandingan dengan pakwe yang tak hensem

Kalau korang perhatikan golongan yang nie adalah yang paling banyak dijumpai.  Awek punyalah cun mengalahkan model tapi sangkut dekat pakwe yang mukanya iras2 dengan penjenayah pecah rumah. Aku tak tau la kalau dah selera awek tu mmg nak dgn penjenayah kalau diperhatikan muka balak tu ada sedikit takabbur. Yela dapat awek mantap sapa tak bangga beb...Lepas tu siap pakai spek Rayban lg semata2 nak menambahkan kemachoan yg tak semenggah.

Kadang2 tu kalau si balak nie wat lawak jarang awek tu nak gelak..Paling kuat pun dia akan senyum je (amek hati punya pasal)..Kebiasaannya pakwe2 jenis nie dikatakan mempunyai dompet yg tebal..Kira terjamin la diorg nie...Setakat muka je hensem tapi sen pun takde takkan nak duduk kat taman je ye tak...

  • Awek tak cun bergandingan dengan pakwe hensem

Jenis yg nie pun memang ramai gak.. Kalau diperhatikan si awek nie mempunyai perasaan cemburu yang melampau-lampau.. Time keluar berdua pulak awek nie akan memegang erat2 tangan balak dia sehinggakan boleh terputus urat sendi.. Lepas tu pantang nampak awek cun jeling kat pakwe dia mula la dia jeling balik sampai nak terkeluar biji mata.. Even makcik pun dia nak jeles..Takut betul pakwe dia kena rampas...

Kebiasaannya pakwe2 nie akan berasa segan dgn perangai awek diorg. Orang ramai dan termasuk aku jugak akan mengatakan bahawa sah si balak tu dah kena 'manderem'...Atapun pakwe tu jenis buta seni.. Boleh jadi jugak si awek tu jenis banyak duit dan support segala perbelanjaan pakwe diorg...tinggal goyang kaki je la...

Nie kapal bukan kapel Is oi...

  • Awek cun bergandingan pakwe hensem

Jenis sebegini memang takde bawak masalah pun pd masyarakat sekeliling.. Malah lebih disenangi orang ramai...Sama cantik sama padan... Diibaratkan macam aku dengan Nora Danish la lebih kurang...hahaha

  • Awek tak cun bergandingan pulak dengan pakwe tak hensem

Jenis yg nie aku rasa takde orang heran pun....

  • Pasangan lesbian

Haram....Kebiasaannya akan ada seorang yang bertindak sbg lelaki (pengkid) yg mana dia akan menjaga yg seorang lagi.. Nak jadi hero la tu... Tapi kalau korang perasan kebanyakan awek2 nie semua comel2 belaka...Siyes beb gua tak tipu...Dan kebanyakkan diorg bila aku tanya kenapa beralih arah mesti jawapan yg aku dengar sama je. Alasan sbb dah serik ditipu lelaki..(klasik)

Kalau nak detect diorg nie agak payah sikit.. Yela kita tengok je rapat semacam padahal sahabat sejati (ye la tu)... Tp ad org cakap selalunya diorg pakai cincin kat ibu jari...Tak tau la jari tangan ke kaki..haha

  • Pasangan gay

Haram jugak....Golongan yg nie memang aku anti.. Aku gelarkan sbg golongan x berketurunan... Korg tak geli ke men lawan2 pedang...Nak detect diorg nie senang je.. Agk2 kalau nampak lelaki jalan berdua2an sambil berpegangan tangan memang betul la tu...

  • Awek melayu berpasangan dengan foreigner

Kalau dalam bahasa melayu aku istilahkan sbg warga asing.. Apa dah takde lg ke lelaki melayu dalam malaysia nie..Kalau dapat yg dari jenis mat2 saleh takpe gak..Sekurang2nya dapat gak bawak masuk islam.. Nie tak..yg takde permit tu jgak yg di kejarnya... Lepas tu dah kena bawak lari baru terhegeh2 nak suruh bawak balik...

  • Awek melayu berpasangan dengan Awang Hitam

Jenis yg nie pun aku berbulu gak tengok.. Rasa aku dah pupus agaknya lelaki2 melayu sampai kayu arang dipilihnya...Kan melambak lg jejaka2 tanahair yg boleh dibuat pilihan (macam aku).. takkan la org minyak tu jgak yg nak dikejar...Alasannya diorg romantik...Silap2 jadi keldai dadah takpun hamba seks...

  • Pasangan yang diredhai

Dan tak lain tak bukan adalah pasangan suami isteri...Rasa aku takde sapa nak marah kalau keluar berpegang tangan..Sikit pun tak berdosa..Tp selalunya diorg nie malu nak wat sbb malu tengok perangai tak senonoh pasangan2 di atas...

Boleh pegang-pegang

Sebenarnya banyak lagi jenis2 kapel tp aku rasa kalau citer semua mau jadi 1 kitab...Mungkin ad yg betul dan ada yg nie berdasarkan pemerhatian aku...Zaman sekarang nie gaya kapel dah macam laki bini.. Kalau ada apa2 yg nak dibangkang xde masalah...

p/s: Gua tak main la kapel2 nie...jumpa je kahwin terus..haha

Realiti atau Fantasi


Sekian lama menyepi tiba-tiba muncul kembali. Umpama sebiji roti yang timbul di dalam secawan kopi. Adakah ini sebuah ilusi ataupun disebabkan oleh kebosanan yang tidak terperi. Mungkin ini hanyalah realiti ataupun fantasi...

Okeh..sudah2lah aku mengarut nie. Blog nie pd dasarnya hanyalah suatu tugasan yg telah diberikan oleh lect aku untuk subjek english. 20% maa..ingat sikit ke markah dia. Jd pd post2 yg terdahulu tu korang boleh la baca kalau rajin. Walaupun ayat2 dia mcm power je tp sbnarnya kopipes je pun...mcm x biasa plak. 

Xde kaitan pun sebenarnya...

Disebabkan oleh aku nie ada sedikit anti dengan bahasa inggeris nie..jd aku akan memaksimumkan penggunaan bahasa melayu pd entri2 yg akan datang. Yela..belaja dari kecik sampai ke beso tapi still bongok gak. Setakat nak lepaskan awek omputih sesat boleh la. Tp nak wat macam mana dah hari2 makan sambal belacan. But don't worry..although i hate english doesn't mean i can't speak.

Aku rasa setakat nie pengenalan mengenai blog aku yg x seberapa. Jd nantikan post2 yg akan datang. Chow..

p/s: Go straight..don't belok-belok....

To Cheat or Not to be Cheat


At last, our misery and terrible time had finally come to the end. It's a bird. It's a plane. No. It's the last title of the blog has arrived without any sign. The title for this week is 'To Cheat or Not To Cheat'. For this entry we as 'Lord of Cheater' will teach you all about cheating method that we have experienced and learned. Don't feel shy to cheat because we are human after all. So, let's cheat....

1. "Flying V" Formation

During exams sit in a "Flying V" formation, where the person to be cheated from sits at the head of the V and the cheaters fan out behind in diagonals. In this formation, the head must really expert in the subject. If the method work perfectly, all the student in the formation can get the answer.

2. Long Sleeved Method

Before exams started, write the important information on your arms. Then put on long-sleeved shirts to cover the arms. If get any chances, roll up your sleeve to get the answer.

3. Note on Desk

This method is popular in math and science exams. Just before the exam started, write the necessary formulas—as many as possible—on the desk. If the teacher comes by during the exam, just push the answer sheets or paper over all of the formulas that are on the desk. This approach is very simple but easy to get cought.

4. Body Parts Cheat

Get a pen (red works best as it blends best with skin tone) and write little notes on any area of skin on your body. The ankles are good if you wear jeans and can cross your legs. The wrists are good if you can write on your veins with blue pen. On the inside of your thighs you can write formulas if you wear shorts. One of the best places to put notes are on your hands.

5. Mechanical pencil method

Use with a Bic or any other clear mechanical pencil. Write notes in a line on a piece of durable paper. Take a strip of tape, place it over the line of notes, press down over the writing, lift tape off the paper(the lead comes off with the tape). Now simply place the tape on the pencil and you have notes only readable by you! (to read, turn the pencil and the way the light shines through the pencil reveals the writing.

6. Ideogram Method

Know that ideograms are symbols used to represent words. Doodle something to represent a word for a test and nobody would think twice about it. Example The name Friedrich Nietzsche would translate into: A doodle of Fred Flintstone (fred); A bag of money(rich); a ball of yarn with needle(knit as in Niet); a yin-yang chi symbol (chi). Those symbols would translate to (fred)(rich)(knit)(chi), saying the words out loud easily reveals the name.

7. I.D. Badge Cheat

The day before the test, write tiny notes on the sheets of paper, that you will need for the test. If you don't have a cover on badge, tape it on the back. (But don't make it obvious!) The day of the test, have your I.D. Badge hanging around your neck, that way the badge will automatically fall into your lap. Make sure not to keep flipping the badge over to the side where the notes are, or the teacher will catch on. After the test, discard the notes.

8. Buddy System / Pair System

This is an old method that is still popular among students and work with pair of students. One of the students need to sit next to another friend who knows tons of things during the exams. After the clever one finishes doing the exam, he/she will give the answer to the partner.

Be careful and always be aware of where the teacher is looking; no method of cheating is successful if the teacher is looking right at you while you hold the notes in your hand and are frantically copying them onto the test. Also, be aware of what your colleagues are doing, as they would love to notify your professor or your dean of your actions. If it should ever come to that, and you know no one has no proof whatsoever that you cheated: deny, deny, deny! Convince yourself as well as your adversaries you did not cheat, remaining firm and confident. As long as they can not prove it but can only wonder or hear someone else words against your own, you're in the clear. Don't get caught often though, or the authorities will get suspicious. The best policy is not to cheat.


Don’t be nervous. Be confident. Have faith in your methods, know that you won’t get caught. If that’s the way you’re thinking about things, then you won’t get caught. Simple as that.

Don’t look around too much! Only look around when you really need to see if a teacher is near. If a teacher sees you looking around alot, that can make them suspicious of you.

When a teacher walks past, act calm. Pretend that you don’t care, and don’t look at them! - The look on your face can tell them alot of things. Just sit and look at your exam paper as if you’re thinking and pretend to write things down, then scribble it out after they walk past.

Cheating is likely to result in your losing out on learning the things you will need to know later in life (except if your country's school really fills your mind with unneeded knowledge), so instead of cheating, studying your exam material is always preferable.

If you are smart, you will not need cheating because by writing the answers/formulas/etc, chances are you will remember it.

It's always good to study, but use the cheat notes as a backup. This way you will minimize the chances of getting caught because you won't need the notes that much. If you studied but don't know an answer to a question, you can always rely on the notes.

Every time you plan to cheat, use a different method. This will make you less likely to get caught. Maybe the first time you want to use the pencil method and then the second, maybe you should use the rubber band method, but that's up to you.

You might want to take a look at the discuss tab to see what methods have worked best for people. Reviews.

You will be less suspected of cheating if the teacher likes you because you are quiet in class, do all of your homework, you're treat others very well, etc. Even if the teacher sees you flash out a paper once for whatever reason, they will be more likely to think something along the lines of Nah, this student is an angel. I don't think he/she is cheating. Its not in his/her nature. Just try not to do it the next time.

All in all, just be NORMAL. Be yourself.

Positive Things that I'm Going to Do During the Mid-Semester Break is...

At last, the moment that we all have been waiting for so long has arrived.. -->
"The Mid Semester Break ". Although the break is just a week, it can still be a golden chance for us to relax our mind and body as we all had just gone through a hectic week preparing for tests and completing assignments. So, for this break, I have planned several wonderful things.

Firstly, i would like to go for a mountain vacation at Gunung Jerai with my family. - me, my mom and dad. Just the 3 for us to catch up on family matters. Gunung Jerai has been my long time dream, in fact i have been collecting information from the internet regarding the trip up and accomodation. Below show some picture around Regency Jerai Hill Resort :

Puncak Kedah Restaurant

Accomodation provided there..

A very comfortable places to spend time with family..

Another thing i would like to do is, visit my former teachers at SMKA Al- Mashoor (L), Penang expecially Mr. Mustaqim ( English Language), Pn. Wan Zaimas (BM), Cik Norwahidah (Biology) and others. It just one of the way to show my gratitude for what they have taught me during my school days. Below are some picture of my former school

The main gate

One of the classroom block

Some of my teachers

Next, i would like to organize a family gathering at Batu Feringghi. This will be done during the weekdays. I plan to invite all my aunties and uncles together with their families. This is because i feel that i have miss the opportunity to spend some quality time with them.

Then, i would like to do gardening. Maybe a few chili plant, ladies finger and lemon grass. These are the ingredient which my mother often used in her daily cooking.So, by doing this, perhaps i can help her with the cooking. Actually, i have taught this for a long time but do not succeeded yet in implementing them.

Lastly, i would like to keep track of the family album. There have been many photos which have not been kept in the album. So i hope, that i will find time to sort them out. i feel this is important because photograph brings back fond memories.

Students must vote during the 'Students' Election' because

In this modern days, student should have a very valuable value in order to success greatfully. Students expecially in the higher educational institution should be a all rounded person. They should just not be a bookworm student who did not know how to apply the theory they have read into practice. One should gain as much self- enrichment as possible during their study. This is because the added value that have within the studob.ent will help them expecially when they are out looking for a job. They should attend or participate in any of the activities or events that were held in university. Well, one of the major activity that just occured here, in Micet is the election day for the Student Representative Council (SRC) .

This time got many contestant competing the seat for SRC which is around 21 contestant. All the students were invited to vote during the election day and we think its not too cruel to say that it is a must for the student to vote. This is because the student have right to choose who will be their leader. The leader that will bring up the student problems issue into justice. Therefore, the chance and opportunity to vote must be used properly. Choosing a leader who have a great attitude, charismatic and dynamic can bring difference to the university. The progression may come out gradually. Trust me.. Rome was not built in a day right.. We should give them a chance or opportunity to prove what they can do.

~5 - Great Leaders were not Born, They are Made

All the leaders of the world were not born but they were made through hard-work. Leadership can't be though but it can be experience by self-confidence, courage, perspective and others. Leaders often follow such incredibly different paths and take such drastically different approaches to success. To be a great leader, there are some set of behaviors that the leader posses to make them success which.....

1. Self-awareness

There is no difference between being a really effective leader and becoming a fully integrated person. True great leaders know what their strengths and weaknesses and what their character are like. Great leaders must know who they are and deploy their full talents.

2. Personal Conviction

Self-awareness is a key, but leadership is not just from who people are but from what they believe. Great leaders always follow their own convictions and that what make the leaders are.

3. Courage

Because great leaders will always face resistances, they always have courage to act on their believe no matter what the circumstances are.

4. Creativity

The great leaders are not only to have some skills but also their creativity and ability to think on their feet. They also are able to imagine more effective solutions than those they have already taught to truly lead effectively.

5. Ability to Inspire

Leaders also always get a sense of themselves as inspirers who can genetrate change and move others to act. Some leaders always look at other leaders who have change the world thus make them have some kind of internal spirit that has led them to do it.

6. Ability to Listen

When talk about leaders, many people think of individuals who can talk about a good game but in fact, many true leaders often do their best when they stop communicating and start listening. With listening skills they will hear what people saying, know where they are running into problem and able to talk them through it. By learning to listen, they becoming a better problem solver. Many of the biggest problem that the leader will face are not about financial calculation but will be about people.

7. Ability to Innovate

Last but not least, true leaders need to know not just how to lead but how to drive change in organization and convince an entire orginazation to do things differently. The innovation is the leaders must need to learned by themsleves.

The ability to direct the whole, even while inspiring the individual, is at the heart of leadership. For example, even though different orchestras may be playing the same music but no two performances of that music sound exactly alike. So, every leader has a unique passion and vision that make what the true leaders are.

Thought of The Week 5 - Coffee Drinker

A man in a restaurant complained to the waiter that there was a fly in his cup of coffee. The waiter took the cup away and promised to bring a fresh cup of coffee. He returned a few moments later. The man tasted the coffee and complained that this was his original cup of coffee with the fly removed. He was correct but how did he know....

~4 - Birth Order Traits

For this week, we want to dicsuss with you all claim made by
psychologists saying that birth order determines our character. Below are the points :

First born child is always extolled by their parents. However, they will be in difficult position in the family. They often burdened by high expectations from their parents, expecially if they is boy. It is because, during that time, he is the only son in the family and as a result he get abundant attention from their parents and grandparents. Every move is under control from the family. Just see the family album of anyone. Probably their first son will have more picture compared to their brothers and sisters.They will become an example for the siblings to follow. So their parents are often more strict in raising them instead of the others.

As the previous paragraph talks about the first son which is the eldest, so now we will describe about the last son which is the youngest. The youngest child will have a favored position in the family and didn’t burdened by the expectation from the family. It is also said that many youngest children will achieved greater success than their siblings. They will get more freedom as the parents were not too anxious about their son development anymore. The son will get more space and have the opportunity to live with their own way. They will not feel the ‘rigid’ situations.

However, being a youngest child also have problem. This is because parents will opposed the idea of letting go their son. They will have problems in that. Even the son had grown, they will still feel that their son were still ‘baby’.

Now we will talked about the second child in the family. Second child usually become a competitive due to the pressure by the eldest. They will try to compete with the brothers to show that they are more worthy in the family expecially in the eye of their parents. He or she will do things that can highlight their existence.

There is also report saying that son's position in the family can also influences career paths and life partner. Usually, first son will hold higher positions & power in workplace and in the community compared to their siblings.